22 January 2013

Visitors from France

Unfortunately I won't get to meet up with the visiting potters from France who will be attending the special event in Victoria this February... the Pottery Expo at Warrandyte

I have a tiny little vessel made by one of the potters, Maryse Tavernier, who I met in 2010.  I even had an invitation to attend her Paris exhibition but alas we had prebooked tickets for the Moulin Rouge that night.  We did visit the gallery the next day, Galerie Mediart 109 rue Qincampoix. There were wonderful vessels there but all too large to risk bringing back in our luggage.

I was able to purchase a small vessel from a shop near her home which is just beautiful:

It is just a little more green than shows here - Maryse developed her own Celedon glaze.  You can see why I was very happy to get it home in one piece.

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